Matua Ropū Grounds Maintenance.

We get so many comments about the Pā grounds and the mahi that goes into keeping the grounds looked after. It goes unsaid but the Pā is a tireless commitment and the upkeep does need dedicated whanau to tend to the never ending tasks around the Pā. For many moons matua Nevil Kahui and Smiley have been mowing the urupā lawns. And now matua Kevin Joyce pitches in to help mow the old urupā area. Matua Johnny Snooks, Matua Stewart Clague and matua Dough Wilkie along with ngā whaea all contribute to the Pā grounds upkeep. Often you’ll find ngā whaea with paint brushes in hand tidying up fence posts and uncle Johnny on the lawn mower. A new hangi shed has been erected, all the fruit trees and new riparian planting tended to and every time you stop by the Pā something else catches the eye. The Pā trustees do our best to ensure our uri are looked after as they tend to the upkeep on the Pā It really does help if our hapū give a little time to awhi at a working bee or lend some time to projects that keep our Pā fit and ready to receive uri and manuhiri. Keep an eye out for future working bee pānui. Ngā mihi, Pā Trustees. x


Improving Infastructure at the Pā


Te Whare Tū Taua o Aotearoa Whakamatautau